Practices of a Socially Distance Church

HeirBNB has shared with us a snapshot of how they’ve been operating as a church over the past few weeks:

1. Virtual game night. We all got on FaceTime and then played Quiplash through a shared screen on another computer. Super fun. We’ve got a date on the calendar this Saturday night to play virtual Spades!

2. FaceTime Check-Ins. I (Bree) have got a group message with the girls in our community. I aim to start a FaceTime call every 1-2 days to just start a conversation for anyone who can jump on. It’s been a fun way to briefly connect with everyone throughout the day. People hop on and off as they can. We’re really fighting for connection where isolation can run rampant. 

3. Online Community Time. Our group has been meeting on Tuesday nights via FaceTime and using the emotionally healthy spiritually guide (IT’S FREE RIGHT NOW). It’s been a really unifying thing to do/process through working out emotions healthily in the midst of everything going on. 

4. Groupme Missional Mobilization. We’ve been using Groupme to mobilize some missions movements for neighbors losing jobs and prayer. Also scripture/prayer/music. Kassidee Cuffey also started a Groupme group with a bunch of moms who have their kids at home/navigating parenting elementary kids when life is quarantined. 

5. 2-3’s. We’ve encouraged our groups of 2-3 to maintain relationship/keep pressing on through whatever means they can.

6. Digital Encouragement. We’ve been sending digital cards/mailing cards daily to encourage people ️

Feel free to share your new rhythms in the comment section below as we learn to operate as the church during the quarantine!
